I Love My Body, I Love My Life

I Love My Body, I Love My Life

During the past few months I’ve been waking up early in the morning and dragging myself to our school grounds to run. It’s something that is something that I must do every weekend to keep myself healthy.

Jogging (1)

At home, we try to keep our food as healthy as possible. It’s the most difficult part of staying healthy, avoiding unhealthy food. Good food can be found anywhere from fast food restaurants, groceries, and even inside our very own refrigerators and tables.


Aside from the food on our table, there are times when I get invited to eat at restaurants for a review.  To make up for the unhealthy food intake, we have a lot of vitamins, and other supplements at home which I take religiously.

Getting old has a lot of dramas. You have eat right, exercise and take a lot of vitamins and supplements. It’s a something that we all need to do when we realize that we are not getting any younger. There is never an easy way to a healthy life, only the right way – but there’s also a better way.

Recently I’ve tried a supplement that helps improve blood circulation. You may have already seen it on ads on TV and print, it’s Circulan – Circulan Promises Good Health. I just learned the importance of a good blood circulation thru their facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/CIRCULAN.

For those who do not know Circulan has the top herbal extracts that aids in good blood circulation – Hawthorn Berry, Ginkgo Biloba, Garlic Oil and Lemon Balm. They all work independently to help our heart, arteries, veins and nerve – the main components of our circulatory system. You can get more information about these herbs here – http://macropharmacorp.com/Web/Products/ProductDetails/Product-Catalogue/281_702_1367/

photo by Melody Co of Guiltless Getaways

I still exercise and as much as possible eat the right food. I just notice an improvement in my system after adding Circulan to my daily intake. I get better sleep and I feel younger, not that I’m that old. There’s just something inside me that rejuvenated. Delivering its promise of Good Health.

I can do more, I can achieve more.

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