Friendly Alliances and Media Expressions Night

Friendly Alliances and Media Expressions Night

Recently F.A.M.E. Inc. or Friend Alliances and Media Expressions Inc. has organized a small gathering of bloggers and their corporate partners for a night of  socialization and getting acquainted.

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I’ve learned  a lot of things during the event as doctors and physicians presented some lectures about breast cancer and even beautification. F.A.M.E. is publication has been providing quality health and lifestyle magazines which includes DiabetEASE, TravelPlus, Zen Health, Vital Signs, Urban Scroll and Baby On Board among others.

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Attending the Friend Alliances and Media Expressions Bloggers’ Night or F.A.M.E. Bloggers’ Night will be added as one of the highlights in of 2013 blog life for a couple of reasons. First, bloggers of health, fashion, entertainment, lifestyle, and photography recently came together for a night, most which I’m not familiar with or just met for the very first time. Second, I got to meet the entrepreneurs, doctors and other professionals behind successful businesses. Last but not the least I got to take home a lot of goodies, including the grand prize worth 20k.

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