After having a laugh at my first stage play Boeing, Boeing, I now got a chance to go deeper to a more serious genre, The Graduate.
The Graduate is based on a 1963 novel by Charles Webb then later on rolled in to film starring Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, and Katharine Ross (17th on the list of the American Film Institute’s Greatest Movies of All Time). In 2002 Terry Johnson adapted The Graduate for the stage which starred Kathleen Turner, Jason Biggs, and Alicia Silverstone.
I have always been a fan of the 60’s; the clothes, the music, the people. It excites me to be seeing a stage play set on the same timeline that I always want to be in. Hearing the songs ” The Sound of Silence” and ” Mrs Robinson” was an added excitement to what I am already feeling.
It was just then that I understood what the song “Mrs Robinson” was truly for.
It was for her.
Pinky Marquez plays Mrs Robinson in the The Graduate by Repertory Philippines.
The Graduate is a story of a confused Benjamin Braddock played by Reb Atadero. Being on top of his class, being pressure by his very proud parents and still don’t know what to do with his life. Then came Mrs Robinson…. a friend of his parents.
Reb Atadero played the role very well. I felt his confusion, worries and curiosity over the stage it was hilarious. Ms. Pinky Marquez did a splendid job as a “cougar” baring all that is necessary to portray the role. Using lust to manipulate a young man and get what she wants is purely awesome. I don’t know if I can resist it myself, hahaha.
To make matters worse, Benjamin falls in love with Mrs. Robinson’s daughter, Elaine Robinson, played by Cara Barredo. Everybody was against it, including Mr. Robinson. Imagine having an affair with the mother of the girl you love which is a friend of your parents. How could a young man who is on top of his class do such thing? Easy, SEDUCTION.
I haven’t seen the film nor read the book which excites me on how things would turn out in the end. It’s a lot to take on both sides, the lover and the daughter.
The Graduate also marks the graduation of of both Reb Atadero and Cara Barredo from fun/family oriented roles to a mature, “adult” characters. If you’ve seen them before on Wizard of OZ or They’re Playing Our Song, you will see a different side of them. Something that you would be proud of if you are have been following their their careers.
Take a break from the usual, it’s a must see stage adaptation.
Catch the Repertory Philippines presentation of The Graduate on April 27(Sat) at 8pm and on April 28 (Sun) 3:30pm at Onstage Greenbelt 1. Tickets at Php1,200.00; Php1000.00, Php800.00 and Php500.00. Call 2150788 or 09175378313 or email for reservations. Show is for adults only.