Be Part of TV 5’s Hi-5 Philippines

Be Part of TV 5’s Hi-5 Philippines

TV5 opens its doors to all aspiring young adults who dream of becoming a part of the much-awaited local version of the world-class children’s program, Hi-5, by announcing its ‘one day only” auditions for the cast of the upcoming Hi-5 Philippines.

On February 21, TV5 calls on young adults, male and female, aged 16 years old to 25 years old, who love singing and dancing and at the same time, value the craft of acting, to take part in this one-day-only auditions. The Happy network aims to look for young individuals who can very well represent the Filipino community in this this local adaptation of the popular children’s program that will surely become a TV hit.

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In line with this, TV5 has also formally signed a partnership with Hi-5 World last February 4, making this local Hi-5 adaptation possible. It was also during the contract signing where Hi-5 World GM for Global Sales and Operations Jaenani Netra mentioned her admiration for the talents of the Filipinos, “I think the Philippines has the best talent in singing and dancing”. She further mentioned how Hi-5 World is excited now that Hi-5 Philippines is coming to TV5. Netra also pointed out the most fundamental characteristic of what Hi-5 Philippines cast should have: “Being able to reach out to children is one of the primary characteristics we are looking for and we are excited to see the new show Hi-5 Philippines on TV5.”

Meanwhile, TV5 President and CEO Noel C. Lorenzana recognizes the value and popularity of Hi-5. He said that “Hi-5 is the best children’s show in the world” when asked for the reason why TV5 is doing a local adaptation of this iconic children’s show. Lorenzana also added, “Hi-5 is already a strong, successful brand that has been built through the years. So what do you do with strong brands? You capture its essence and don’t go against it. So yes, it will generally include the same familiar feel as well the same popular songs.

As for the audition, TV5 Chief Entertainment and Content Officer Wilma Galvante said, “The message of the song and the music of Hi-5 will be there. Hi-5 World gave us the guidelines to follow aside from looking for good singers and dancers.” This ensures that Hi-5 Philippines will not just be an entertaining children’s program but a local adaptation that will definitely be at par with the its international brand especially when Galvante mentioned that it will be faithful with the popular international show Hi-5.

So, if you think you have what it takes to become a part of the cast of Hi-5 Philippines, join the one-day-only auditions on Saturday, February 21, 10am to 3pm at the Studio 4 of TV5 Media Center (Reliance cor. Sheridan St Mandaluyong City).

Hi-5 Philippines airs this coming March only on TV5.

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