Yeng Constantino‘s 5th album “Metamorphosis” is already out in the market. Just like the album Yeng is transforming -“It’s about not being afraid of who you can be. And that best describes my new album that carries my new sound.” It’s a 10 track all-original album produced by rock icon Raimund Marasigan which features nine of Yeng’s compositions. That’s what OPM should be, original.
“Releasing this all-original album brings so much joy in my heart. I felt like I have a new contribution to Philippine music in this generation,” said the Philippines’ Pop Rock Princess, who hopes to inspire fellow musicians to go original. “I believe that this will have a domino effect. Hopefully, a lot of artists will be encouraged to write and release their original songs.”
As soon as the news came out I immediately went to MyMusicStore to download her new album’s carrier single B.A.B.A.Y.. I haven’t seen the video nor have I listened to it. I just went on ahead and purchased it because I know I’ll love it. True enough – I did. Everyone at home liked it, even my 2 year old daughter sings it B-A-B-A-Y! It’s one of the first songs I downloaded from MyMusicStore, actually it is the reason I created the account in the first place. I would’ve downloaded the whole album but it wasn’t available yet and I still prefer the CD, it’s nice to have something that she would be able to sign if we actually meet.

The good news is that as soon as it went on MYX it brought OPM back to the number one spot, stealing the crown away from KPop artist Girls Generation. They maybe a group of beautiful Korean girls but just one glimpse of Yeng’s pretty face topped with her flaming hot red hair will blow them away.
“The red hair is not just part of the album. It’s a part of who I am now in this season of my life. I can say that my hair color represents my passion for music now–flaming hot,” she said. “And if there’s anything that I want to say to my supporters through my new look, it’s that I want them to be brave to experiment to unleash their real personalities.“
The first time I saw the video I was surprised that Yeng danced almost the whole time. Well, it was expected because of its upbeat sound but seeing the Pop Rock Princess dance is quite a surprise. She did mention that she wanted to learn to dance, and she did. Here’s the video:
Aside from “B.A.B.A.Y,” “Metamorphosis” also features nine of Yeng’s compostions including “Hahanapin Kita,” “Josephine,” “Messiah,” “Pasensya Na,” “Sana ‘Di Pa Huli,” “Teleserye,” “Pag-ibig,” and “Sandata.” The song “Chinito” was written by Jed Dumawal.
Yeng is currently the MYX Celebrity VJ for the month of February and has three nominations for the 2013 MYX Music Awards.
I am sure that Yeng will win these awards as she has the ever loving support of THE Yengsters. The only solid fan club I know since Noranians and Vilmanians (excluding Popsters of course). With Yeng Constantino, there is no Fans Day, because everyday is fans day. She personally greets them on twitter, facebook and other social medica platforms. Creates a blog post for them and often records a video for them. Surprisingly she also goes out with them. She watched a movie with them just like going out with friends. The only celebrity I know who did that was Katy Perry which I saw in the movie Part of Me.
Yeng Constantino is undeniably an OPM gem. Her song writing skills describe what she truly is – REAL. She isn’t writing love song for the sake of writing them or composing songs just to please the record labels. She writes from the heart and the melody comes from her love of music. She has this love affair with music and of course the Yengsters. I may not be an official Yengster but I have a love affair with Yeng, a musical love affair. (that’s the reason why I created the post here instead of my other blog)

Yeng’s 5th album Metamorphosis is now available in record bars or you can purchase them thru or iTunes. Follow her on twitter @YengPLUGGEDin like her on facebook and visit her her blog Ako Si Yeng.
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