Getting a caregiver was one of concern when my wife gave birth. A caregiver, nanny or yaya that’s reliable and trustworthy is really hard to find. How do you choose one. Once you got hold of your caregiver, how do you keep her. I’ve asked a couple of friends and relatives tips on ow to choose the perfect caregiver, here is what they told me:
They told me to consider the family circle first. This does not apply if you belong to a rich clan like the
Ayala, Revilla, Tan, Aquino, or Arroyo. The problem with relatives especially if the their older or as old as you is that you’ll find it awkward giving orders. If you can’t find a relative who’s willing to be your child’s caregiver, ask a referal from another caregiver who has a relative that is willing to be a caregiver. Your last option will inquiring in a agency. I don’t recommend placing an ad because it may attract criminals. But if you do, make you do an extensive background check.
Once you got your caregiver, introduce her to all family members and present her her job description. Explain your house rules. (Do’s and Don’t’s). Make her feel part of the family by letting her join meals or family outings. It not only brings her closer to the family but it also helps in helping her understand the family behaviour.
We’re still waiting for our caregiver. Hopefully she get’s here before my wife gets back to work.
photo credit form gma7