Get a chance to win a Tenya Team Party of Ten by joining the Tenya Tempura Tendon Instagram tag-a-friend Challenge
1.) Like Tenya Philippines on Facebook and Instagram (@tenyaph)
2.) Follow me on Instagram (@ryansanjuan)
3.) Regram the photo above and tag nine friends to create a party of 10.
4.) Create a caption that explains why you and your friends love Tenya Tempura Tendon
5.) Use the hashtags #TenyaTeamParty #TenyaPH and #TenyaXRyan
5.) The photo with the most creative caption wins a Tenya Team Party for a party of ten at the BGC Stopover Branch
Winners will be announced on September 28 on this blog, Instagram and Facebook. Check out my post on Japan’s Number One Tempura and Tendon Restaurant – Tenya