Pascual Lab is Pascual Love

Pascual Lab is Pascual Love

PascualLab showcases its Pascual Love in its campaign to Have a Heart for Health. Last May 31st children from Asilo de San Vicente de Paul were treated to a day of fun and heart warming surprises at the Manila Ocean Park. The children were also treated to a free medical check up before they start the tour.

The fun tour was followed by a Zumba workout workout for the benefit of the children from a different foundation, Asilo San Martin de Porres.  The Heart For Health fitness event was held at the PascualLab Manufacturing Plant wherein all plant employees participated for the cause and to sweat their stresses away.

The activities never stop as PascualLab brings the girls of Bahay Maria Children’s Center at the Center for Culinary Arts in Katipunan for a healthy treat.

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Together with Chef Melissa Sison and PascualLab’s Brand Ambassadress – Ms. Lucy Torres-Gomez, they demonstrated  a few quick and easy healthy dishes that will later be prepared by the media guests and the kids.  As Chef Melissa was demonstrating, Ms. Lucy Torres-Gomez is sharing her own health tips as a parent.

Summer Salad Surprise, a mixture of vitamin C enriched fruits and vegetables. Pomelo, Indian Mango, Mandarin oranges, Guapple (Guava-Apple), Avocado, Singkamas, Lettuce, Fresh Oranges, Cilantro, Honey-Calamansi Concentrate, Kaiffir Lime leaves and Fish Sauce.

Tuna-Apple-Raisin  Salad with avocado slices on wheat bread and C-Lium Fiber. Finally, Lagundi-Onion Kani Sandwich which I enjoyed making with my partners.

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After the cooking activity, Bahay Maria Children’s Center was awarded with health kits and medicine to keep them strong and healthy. It was one event worth attending to, having been able to share myself to the kids and cooking with them at the same time filling their hearts with happiness.

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We don’t just heal but we heal with passion, we don’t just care for them but treat them as family.” PascualLab will be rolling out more activities in line with its current campaign to inspire and empower more people to have a Heart For Health as it continues to deliver not just superior health care but health care with a heart.

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To find out more about Heart For Health, check out their Facebook. You can also follow them on Twitter at  and on Instagram.

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